Posts Tagged ‘Google’


Google and Samuel Morse – No Google Morse :(

April 27, 2009

Just a quick post noting Google’s logo commemorating Samuel Morse’s birthday. Had he been alive he would have been 218 and the World’s Oldest Man!

Google - Samuel Morse Logo


I thought I’d try a search in Morse Code…

Google - Samuel Morse Logo


Stop Redirecting to Your Local Google

March 1, 2009

googleicons In my Firefox bookmarks toolbar I have two bookmarks for Google, one for and the other for – where the “pages from the UK” radio button is already selected.

It was a minor inconvenience that my efficient search setup had broken when Google began to redirect attempts to visit and send visitors to their local Google site, in my case The reason for visiting the .com variant was the varying results available compared to the Google UK site even if “pages from the UK” wasn’t selected.

To remedy the redirect situation and stay at use the following URL:

I saw the text “Go to” at the bottom of the localised page and looked at the link to see what was different about it compared to just typing in into the address bar. I’m not sure what the NCR refers to, maybe it means No Country Redirect. The non-redirecting URL does its job and is now my new bookmark!

tags: google, redirect, localisation, internet


Google Latitude now lets you stalk friends!

February 4, 2009

I’m trying out a different post method for this one in an attempt to get to the point!

Today, Google launched Latitude, which is a location based feature integrated into Google Maps and accessible from the iGoogle and most expandable mobile devices.

Who: Google

What: Google Latitude – a location aware app that lets you see where your friends/contacts are on a map and lets you provide your GPS location information via a GPS enabled device for others to see. Manual location selection is available.

Read the rest of this entry ?